Patch 1.0.1 of Auckland Scumbag University. It doesn't have a special name.

Alright, I'll briefly say some stuff about what I did here because there's already a Notepad file with information that comes with the game and I just did heaps of stressful file work and I am freaking tired. Not physically, but tiredness doesn't need to be physical tiredness to have weight.

Anyway, this is an Auckland Scumbag University update. It's a critical one, too. Even though there was just one thing I discovered while playing the game in July 10th this year that led me to start this update, I ended up fixing a lot of problems in my work, and I discovered a "completely new" problem that I'm very glad I caught. The second one is the kind of issue that would make you feel very embarrassed 10 years after the game's original release as it starts to show signs of its terrible existence. But first I'll tell you what the first problem was, the 10th of July 2021 one that prompted this. Or I could just show you.

Yes, seriously. I was pretty shocked when I caught this, and then surprised that nobody else who played this game came upon it. But it's fixed now. It's no longer possible to beat this game in a 12 second any% speedrun. As long as you're not speedrunning one of the files in the original downloads, that is. The bug was really stupid, too, reading code revealed that I basically just completely forgot to set the hitbox height to the right number.

The second problem is one I had no idea I'd created and then completely forgot I'd done like so many of the 2019 memories that formed while making this game and died quickly. A lot of old games of mine, unfinished and "finished" apparently, have code decisions and styles in them that I wouldn't want to do today, and don't remember were something I did until quite deliberately and carefully looking back at the actual files with my eyes. You know that thing called a "timestep"? That thing that makes it so that the physics of games are consistent across all processor speeds of computer and the way the game works doesn't just change if you upgrade your computer setup or lock the framerate with Fraps or wait a few years? Yeah, that thing. So, as it turns out, what happened was, when I released this game in 2019, what happened was, I didn't use one. Even though Startup Tophat nearly a year sooner came out  first and did have a timestep. Good job, past me. I'm gonna see how the original build's gameplay gets screwed up by an FPS lock of something like 10 on Fraps or some other program later. Tests on Bridge of Fate where I dragged the window around while animated text was active has shown me that non-timestepped update loops can't be trusted with anything. Good thing the Bridge of Fate loops didn't break in ways that were common or for anything important.

I'm getting more tired and I see that I've expended a lot of text, so I'm just gonna copy the rest of the changes over in a list of bullet points.

  • The intro sequence can be skipped now.
  • The diamond in the intro sequence has been visually fixed to look proper in the middle.
  • The change to the update loop might have "accidentally" resulted in an instantaneousness for interaction cooldown.
  • I changed the title screen text - which required some other minor layout stuff to be adjusted - to simply make the grammar better. One of my first ever critiques I had for this game was my oldest brother Ben pointing out that the "and to quit" part was incorrect, which surprised me.


Auckland Scumbag University v1.0.1 (windows).zip 23 MB
Sep 13, 2021 25 MB
Sep 13, 2021

Get Auckland Scumbag University

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